I think it is safe to say that Masha is no longer afraid of the tub. Santa is one lucky dude. Masha making waffles… Who knew reflux could be this cute? The purple snow queen… hates snow. She would much rather stay inside and paint. And party… Static fun in Masha’s new tent… Yeah, baby, […]
Dear Ukrainian Lawmakers,
Two of your Ukrainian babies are my daughters now. I know you want what is best for them because I spent 7 weeks in your beautiful country and visited the orphanage in Vorzel numerous times. My girls were so well cared for… dressed in clean appropriate clothing, in clean diapers and they had clean hands […]
Birthday Baby News
Autumn is one. This is still pretty unbelievable to me. She is just so tiny. For her birthday celebration she enjoyed an ice cream cake and a shiny pink balloon. I think it is safe to say that Autumn has never before tasted ice cream or felt the icy sweet coldness of it on her […]
I have so much to be thankful for on this first Thanksgiving with Masha and Autumn. When I sit and think about it, it is overwhelming. Last Thanksgiving, adoption was nothing more than a “someday” dream for us. Thank you to all who prayed for us. Thank you to the 47 people who donated a […]
The Potty Opera
After her bath, Masha makes a very entertaining attempt at going potty. If she doesn’t crack you up, you’re broken.