I hate it when I go out to the RR Already Home page and click the blog links to check on the babies I advocated for, donated to, and generally fell head over heels for, and they are gone. The last post is from forever ago and I have no idea how those children are […]
You Can Take the Girl Out of Ukraine
But can you take the Ukraine out of the girl? The other day I took Masha to her follow-up eyedoctor appointment. It was hot out, really really hot out. When we returned to the van afterward and the side door slid open, virtual flames poofed out at us. Masha said, “hot” and I agreed. In […]
Then and Now
Remember baby Peach? My how she has changed. She has grown from a tiny 10 month old pile of mush into an adorable toddler… who has a bold side. She is walking and talking (and signing). Ask her almost any question and she will answer you with a “Yah.” If I had time, I’d make […]
Piano Lessons?
At least once a day I am summoned to the living room by Jade screaming at the top of his lungs, “I. can’t. hear. the. T.V.!” Usually it is Masha or Autumn putting on a lovely and loud piano concerto. But today I had to laugh, and run for the camera because it was Masha […]
Just One of the Boys
I used to think how lucky Masha is that she has two big brothers to protect her… Now I think how lucky they will be to have her as a backup 🙂