I’ve tried this before, years ago, out back. The results were less than stellar. After a few years of battling deer, other critters, lack of sun, and too much rain, we gave up the idea of a vegetable garden. Then, last summer, my mom brought me some strawberry plants. I absentmindedly let them languish for […]
Costa Rica – The Videos
Here are a few video highlights of our trip to the southern tip of the Nicoya peninsula in Costa Rica. My youngest son, Jade, wants very much to visit the ocean. Where he got this desire from and why, I have no idea but one day in the car he told me it was his […]
Kimani and Masha’s IEP Meetings — The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
We just got back from our amazing vacation in Costa Rica, and that is what I wish I was writing about this morning but instead I am already fully immersed in the stresses of our daily life. Yesterday we had back-to-back IEP meetings for Kimani and Masha. We walked out of both meetings feeling unsure […]
Dear Mom
It’s Mother’s Day and since you told me not to buy you anything, your gift is this post. Thank you for letting us make chocolate chip cookies even when you knew he would be mad if he caught us. Thank you for laughing when she dropped the egg on the floor instead of in the […]
Autumn’s IEP for Kindergarten
I had already made it known that we would be sending Autumn to regular Kindergarten at our home school so I wasn’t surprised to see Masha’s team at Autumn’s IEP meeting. What did surprise me was how smooth it all went. We started off with Autumn’s current pre-K team sharing their perspectives on Autumn. I […]