A generous donor has offered to match any donations made to our adoption fund, dollar for dollar up to $5000. For the next two weeks anything you give toward saving our girls gets doubled. How awesome is that? No matter if you use our Chip In fund on the blog, or make a tax-deductible gift […]
What’s In a Name?
I’ll bet you’ve guessed that our two little girls in Eastern Europe were not originally named Mallory and Peach, and if so, you are correct. For many reasons the children on Reece’s Rainbow are often given aliases and such is our case. Mallory’s name given to her by her parents means bitterness. I felt sad […]
How Does One Choose a Child?
We didn’t know the answer. Staring at sweet faces, perusing profiles for birth stats and medical info, trying to make sense of it all… orphans… left behind because of their disabilities. Which one was meant to be my child? I stressed, I cried, I prayed for peace. In February, I found Arina from Russia. In […]
Who Are Mallory and Peach?
Mallory and Peach are two little girls with much in common. They were both born with an extra chromosome, resulting in Down syndrome, and they were both abandoned at birth because of it. They now live together on borrowed time in an Eastern European orphanage. Mallory is three years old. She has huge blue eyes […]