Two years ago today I kissed my BFF goodbye as she moved on from this world to the next.
For years she wanted a dog, and I always said no. Because she worked a lot, all over the world and the dog would be my responsibility for weeks at a time while she was in Japan or India or Russia or California or wherever they needed her. I had my hands full with a baby, then two babies, then a baby with complications, and then five children to chase after. I couldn’t handle a dog on top of all that so I always said no.

Meeting Nadia
She beat back the cancer the first time around. But when it reappeared somewhere else and the stages changed from maybe you might live to it’s just a matter of time… I said yes to the dog. But by now she was afraid to get a puppy… what would happen if she died? Easing her mind, I vowed to care for her dog.
She chose a chocolate teacup Schnauzer named Nadia. And though I never liked little dogs, she was the cutest puppy I’d ever seen. Denise loved her like a child. Suffice to say Nadia was spoiled.

Showing off her winter boots
When Nadia was 8 months old, her mommy died and we took her in. She is a furball of love. She has a special relationship with each of her human cousins…
Including Kimani whose chair she favors visiting at dinner time.

Food Games, More In or On?
If I sit anywhere, she is there in my lap.


Chillin’ While Auntie Works

Lap Doggie
Don’t feel good? She is there for you.

Comforting Sick Autumn

Loving Away the Blues
Need someone to play with? She’s there!

You Can’t Get Me!
Just need a little cuteness to cheer your heart? She can do it!
Wish you could kiss your best friend one more time? Almost…
Oooo. That ending.
How do you always do that? 🙂
Love these pics.