I have been thinking about blog posts… and every night I fall into bed exhausted telling myself, “Maybe tomorrow.” Today, I told myself, “Ok, just write anything and post some pics so people know these kids are still alive and well.”
Halloween was extra fun this year with five little ones dressed up as a knight, a ghost knight, a bat, a hefflelump, and a bunny rabbit. Everybody cooperated, even Kimani who is notorious for pulling off any type of costume or hat. Masha figured out pretty quickly how the whole trick-or-treat thing works and then threw a fit each time I dragged her out of the neighborhood candy dishes.
Autumn went to the cardiologist and the news is fantastic. She had a great fix and has no residual damage from waiting so long for her surgery. Her heart is the right size and beats in perfect rhythm. Like her sister, she did not like the chest X-ray machine, but she was very well behaved for her electro-and echocardiograms. I loved watching her beautiful heart chambers pumping away on the screen.
Masha is really something. Everyone who meets her is charmed by her. Yesterday she fell and hurt her finger. She was holding her hand and came to show it to me. I asked her if it hurt and she lifted it to her mouth and kissed it, then she passed it up to me. It didn’t take her long to figure out the great American boo-boo cure.
Kimani and Masha have been teaming up for fun… baths, swinging, general household destruction…
p.s. Shhh, don’t anybody tell Masha’s groupas that I let her run around in just a diaper…
CAH says
I love the photo of the girls in the swing. That is beautiful. I hope you remember us, we met you at the pizza place in Kiev.
Susanna says
What a beautiful family!
Lu, Poppies Blooming says
😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 SO thrilled about her heart!! Praise God! Goodness you have just the most beautiful family!
Looking Up says
OMG LOVED this post! The girls look right at home with their new siblings. Absolutely adorable. Congrats!
Kirsten says
Oh my gosh!! Congrats and so glad to see new pics! I know it is so busy and hard to find the time to post! Love the pics and especially the one of Autumn for the chest xray! We just did this exact thing with Victoria on Thursday and I was telling the tech’s I wish I had my camera! That pic is so sweet!!! I love the bicycle seat they sit on…. ha ha!! So glad we got to meet you in EE, just wish we could’ve seen the girls, too!!
The girls are beautiful!!!!
Rochelle says
That is one CUTE group of trick or treaters! Glad to have pics from you and news of all is well especially with the heart update! So incredibly thankful that you welcomed both of those sweethearts into your family. Perfect fit!
The Annessa Family says
Whew! I was starting to worry 😉 Glad to see you are all one big, happy, crazy, beautiful, family!
Sandie Flannery says
ADORABLE!!! I’ll be in touch soon!!!
ch says
Can’t believe we’ve been through two open heart surgeries and never seen a cardiac X-ray bucket. :0) That’s the sweetest darn thing I’ve ever seen. Oh, the cuteness of that contraption and the VERY unsure face inside it…
S says
Thanks for the update today. Just this morning I was thinking that you had not one THOUGHT of these beautiful girls last year at this time, now you are a blessed momma of many. Funny how life works:) Sending thoughts of energy and productivity:)
The Sanchez Family says
We will take whatever we can get of your absolute CUTIES!!!!!! So happy to see the photos of your lovelies!!!!
Anonymous says
Thinking of you so much! Glad for the updates! I can only imagine the chaos as things settle in.
Love you.
Holly Wolly says
yeah!! I’ve been waiting to see how everyone is doing…
one_plustwins says